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The World’s First Ever Emojis Will Be Displayed At MoMA In NYC

The World’s First Ever Emojis Will Be Displayed At MoMA In NYC

It seems the majority of smart-phone user have had a piece of certifiably valuable art in their pockets this whole time. (Surprised emoji!)

New York’s Museum of Modern Art announced that it has acquired the original set of 176 emojis for its permanent art collection.


The emojis were originally designed back in 1999 by Shigetaka Kurita for pagers (remember those?) and mobile phones and as it turns out, emojis have changed a lot since they debuted at the turn of millennium.

Kurita’s emojis were teeny-tiny – only 12 x 12 pixels.  They only came in six colours, too: red, orange, purple, grass green, royal blue, and black. A stark difference when compared to the emojis of today.


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The emojis, despite not having eggplants or smiling poops, were still efficient enough to get the job done. We owe Mr Kurita a lot; after all, without his creations how would we be able to tell our friends with a single image that we’re angry, tired, or hungover? Speaking of hangovers, while you’re visiting New York and your fave emojis at MoMA, make sure to hit up the Emoji Bar in Brooklyn, too.

BRB, gonna go text a friend some ‘art’.

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